Latinx Community & Wellness

By: Ingrid Baquero


Welcome to our three part series celebrating the Latinx healers, creators and wellness advocates making an impact in our communities. Wellness is multi-dimensional, as it consists beyond the physical, but also mental, spiritual, financial, environmental, and social aspects of our lives. These are the stories of role models making bienestar (wellbeing) una prioridad (priority) for all. 

I recently attended a community run to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, NY. Our guide, Nicole Espinosa, took us through several iconic Hispanic/Latinx landmarks to share the history behind each one. She made a remark que me impacto (made an impact) and inspired this piece.

“There’s a space for everybody, and if it doesn’t exist, create it”. 

It is important to share the stories of Latinx individuals beyond Hispanic Heritage Month, as it inspires others to create their own narratives. This series consists of real stories of inspirational Latinx individuals creating safe spaces for connection, community, and self-care through the power of wellness. Before we kick this off, let’s start with some self-reflection.

How does wellness show up in your life? 
How are you creating spaces of wellbeing for others? 
What does the future of wellness look like? 


Julie Villa

Julie Villa, Sui Yoga Café mama (co-founder)

Ecuadorian, living in New York City
IG: @suiyoganyc

I focus on actively nurturing the Sui Yoga community, cultivating meaningful relationships with students, teachers and team members.

When I started practicing yoga in 2009, day by day, practice after practice, I slowly started to understand what it meant to truly feel healthy. I became motivated to make small changes that I needed in my life. I was fortunate to find a beautiful community at Modo Yoga NYC, which encouraged me to deepen my practice in a safe space surrounded by wonderful humans.

After doing my yoga teaching training with Modo Yoga, many seeds were planted which awakened my desire to dedicate my heart and soul to create a safe space for others to experience connection and transformation. The name Sui comes from sui generis, in Latin, it means ‘one of a kind’; we honor and embrace each person’s unique qualities and accept everyone as they are. After meeting my partner Sven, 4 years ago, we started dreaming together about how we would birth Sui Yoga, by joining our skill sets, intentions, aligning our offerings and practices with many values and philosophy of yoga, Sui Yoga was born. Our focus on community and connection is one of our strongest driving forces. We envision to continue growing our community and contribute to the creation of more conscious wellness spaces around the world.

Our team and students are a beautifully diverse group of humans, many are latin people. I love and appreciate how much Spanish is spoken around the studio. We have become a chosen family and we have the opportunity to create wonderful memories everyday on and off the yoga mat. Some people came to discover yoga for the first time, seeing them come back again and again is a very fulfilling feeling.In the near future, we will offer yoga in Spanish. It is one exciting project to work on, the intention is to bring more awareness and accessibility to people that either may not speak English fluently, or to people who simply enjoy the Spanish language. We are also working on supporting ways that make yoga and wellness as accessible as possible to our latinx community in NY.

About Ingrid Baquero: Ingrid envisions an inclusive, joyful world, inspiring her community through the power of well-being.As a Colombian-American, and Queens, New York native it is an honor to serve the people of Queens through yoga, running and mindfulness. She is a dedicated runner, wellness program curator, community leader and dance and music aficionada.Outside, catch Ingrid on the run. She co-leads a 5k community social run within the Astoria/LIC area. All bodies and paces welcomed. Right now, Ingrid is dedicated to her wellness work, passion project: SOL YOGA PROJECT, and volunteer work with Yoga Love Magazine

If you have a story to share or know someone you’d like to celebrate reach out to us for a Latinx in Wellness:




By iana velez


Susanna, Tejal, Sunaina…these are just a few of the people who inspire us on and off the mat. For our INSPIRATION themed premier issue, we asked them to share with us who inspires them. Here’s what they had to share.

Susanna Barkataki
photo: Caroline White Photography

Who inspires you?
Arundhati Roy: Indian author, actress and political activist who was best known for the Booker award-winning novel, The God of Small Things and for her involvement in environmental and human rights causes. She is involved with advocating and protecting the causes of the poor in India. Roy has campaigned along with activist Medha Patkar against the Narmada dam project. Roy donated her Booker prize money, as well as royalties from her books on the project, to the Narmada Bachao Andolan, an Indian social movement. She is a spokesperson of the anti-globalization or alternate globalization movement. 

Books that inspire you:
I am deeply inspired by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali — I love Swami Satchidananda’s translation. I also love to read poetry from Rabindranath Tagore, Rumi, Valarie Kaur and Rupi Kaur. Finally, I love Adrienne Maree Brown’s Emergent Strategy because it guides me again and again with regards to making social change.

Where do you go to get inspired:
I spend time in nature to be inspired. Nature is like the divine church. All over India, you’ll find altars to the divine — they may be elaborate. Or they may be simple, made with a stick and some mud. They invite in devotion, energy, intention. Nature helps me create sacred space by making a place for the divine — something greater than myself. It helps me open to love and service. Try it — go out in nature and pay attention — enliven the senses! See what you notice and create!


Tejal Patel
photo: Rob Alcantar

Learn more:

Who inspires you?
Chunilal Ranchhodbhai Patel (he/him)

My grandfather, Chunilal Ranchhodbhai Patel, is such an inspiration to me and many in my family. He was a hard-working, dedicated husband, father of five and freedom fighter. He was alive during a tumultuous time for India and the surrounding regions, as the struggle to gain independence from the British escalated during and post World War II. Around 1944 or 1945, my Grandfather submitted his resignation letter to his boss in order to join India’s Independence movement alongside Gandhiji. His boss ripped up the letter and said, “Take as much time away as you need!” Independence from the British was announced on August 15, 1947, with the partition of India and Pakistan.

My grandfather lived with us until he passed away when I was six years old, but I always remember his strong, steady presence during my childhood. I will remember how he continued to advocate for justice in his life. He spun cotton into thread in the spirit of Indian self-reliance from the British, even after moving to the USA in the 1970s. I credit him for instilling in me the fight for justice for all beings.

Mira Nair (she/her)

I admire activist and filmmaker Mira Nair for her powerful storytelling of everyday life. She showcases nuanced aspects of culture and the immigrant experience in such moving, artistic and dynamic ways. She turned Jhumpa Lahiri’s book The Namesake into a film that continues to speak directly to me as a first-generation, Indian American daughter and sibling.

She tackles topics and artfully directs films in an unapologetic manner uplifting, vital, necessary, and often messy narratives like the Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love (banned in India), Mississippi Masala (about the taboo of Black and Brown love), Monsoon Wedding (a chaotic family wedding with all the expected and unexpected drama).

Mira’s activism extends beyond her films into her family as well. Her son is Zohran Mamdani, an assemblyman in Queens, NY. He once completed a 15-day hunger strike to advocate for the rights of NY taxi drivers. Mira is such an inspiration to me, and someone I hope to meet one day!

Books that inspire you:
These books are always on my mind and in my heart: Becoming by Michelle Obama, You Are Here by Thich Nhat Hanh, The Perfection of Yoga by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Where do you go to get inspired:
Pretty much any coffee shop. I find the whole space and setup of a coffee shop to be a reminder of care and attention to detail. I really vibe on the open, welcoming atmosphere and am often productive, creative and at home in coffee shops!

Nature trails. Being outside in any setting is so refreshing for me. Being outside, surrounded by trees or open air, navigating the land underfoot tends to be where I unwind. I breathe deeply and am reminded of the circle of birth and death, all things sacred and how life goes on with or without me.

Podcasts, social and more:

UnF*ck Your Brain podcast by Kara Loewentheil
Yoga and Vedanta podcast with Swami Tyagananda

IG Accounts:
For their social justice efforts and very real humanity

For their continuous deconstruction of dominant culture in everyday life

For the craftiness in sewing, knitting and life

@issarae, @mindykaling, @alokvmenon, @amandaseales Humor, trailblazing, fashion and fierceness

The Pitch Meeting channel by Ryan George who is creative, consistent and shares critical views of the movie industry and movies while still clearly enjoying them!


Sunaina Rangnekar 
Learn more: @su9nah
photo: Lake Marquez-Hernandez

Inspiration to me is also courage – specifically, the courage to overcome the obstacles life gives you. The root of “inspiration” is “inspire,” literally to inhale or breathe in. For me, inspiration is breathing into your discomfort and breathing into regulation and groundedness. Inspiration is to embrace and alchemize the change that is ever-pervading.

Who inspires you? 

Rüdrāksh Malheauxtrā (they/them) 

I love Rüdrāksh because they never fail to show up as their whole self, authentically, with so much energy and love for what they do. They are a true force of nature who does the work to acknowledge their teachers, uplift marginalized folks, and speak the truth (even if it’s hard to hear). They stand for what is right and are so deeply rooted in their yoga practice it inspires me to go deeper. Rüdrāksh is always reading 99 books at a time and helped me increase my bookshelf with authors leading the decolonization movement. By existing as they are, they allow me to show up precisely the way I am! I love you and am so proud of how far you’ve come!

Soraya Latiff (she/her) 

Soraya is a good friend and the first Indian (Indo-Caribbean) student I graduated. She inspires me to understand the Indian diaspora more profoundly and honor the beautiful intersection between Indian and Afro-Caribbean culture. Soraya is a true activist and works with students all over the Boulder/Denver area to increase ethnic and cultural awareness in the school systems. She uses her privilege to disrupt harmful systems while creating brave spaces for folks to show up as their authentic selves. The first time I took her yoga class, I received a spiritual message from my ancestors. That experience invited tears of healing and joy to flow through me – an experience that no one else could give me. Thank you, Soraya, for being you and being my teacher in so many different ways.

Sreeja Chakrabarty (she/they) 

Instagram has been an enormous blessing by connecting me to Sreeja. Sreeja is a one-of-a-kind singer, songwriter, music producer, and overall artist! She constantly inspires my poetry practice and is a strong pillar of support for me. I love that Sreeja writes music in their mother tongue (Bengali) to preserve their culture. I’ve learned a lot from Sreeja about building trust and being a work-in-progress. She is a person I want to center, uplift and honor as someone who inspires me. I can’t wait to hear about more of your creations and support you in whatever ways I can!

Books that inspire you:
Emergent Strategy by Adrienne Maree Brown has allowed me to re-imagine the future in a way I didn’t know was possible. It inspired me to center black, brown, queer, anti-racist, and social justice movements that allow me to unlearn how society has conditioned us.

Yoga Revolution: Building a Practice of Courage and Compassion by Jivana Heyman is a book that has built the foundation of how I actively interrupt harm when I see it. It’s allowed me to work towards unlearning perfectionism.

All About Love by Bell Hooks held me in the truth that love is an action and helped me unlearn my old definitions of what I knew about love.

Where do you go to get inspired:
My home temple is a place I go to be in devotion to The Divine and reaffirm my spiritual practices.

The garden in my backyard to ground my energy, be one with nature, and appreciate the privilege of communing with food.

My comfy bed so I can rest, nap, and wake up feeling more refreshed and inspired to do my work!

Podcasts, social and more:
@rishi_chidananda always gives me knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita in a grounded and digestible way.

@polyamorouswhileasian helps me better understand the intersectionality of my identities in a way that I couldn’t always name.

Yoga is Dead Podcast helped me understand how Yoga has evolved over generations to be what it is today in the West.



Latinx Community & Wellness

By: Ingrid Baquero


Welcome to our three part series celebrating the Latinx healers, creators and wellness advocates making an impact in our communities. Wellness is multi-dimensional, as it consists beyond the physical, but also mental, spiritual, financial, environmental, and social aspects of our lives. These are the stories of role models making bienestar (wellbeing) una prioridad (priority) for all. 

I recently attended a community run to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, NY. Our guide, Nicole Espinosa, took us through several iconic Hispanic/Latinx landmarks to share the history behind each one. She made a remark que me impacto (made an impact) and inspired this piece.

“There’s a space for everybody, and if it doesn’t exist, create it”. 

It is important to share the stories of Latinx individuals beyond Hispanic Heritage Month, as it inspires others to create their own narratives. This series consists of real stories of inspirational Latinx individuals creating safe spaces for connection, community, and self-care through the power of wellness. Before we kick this off, let’s start with some self-reflection.

How does wellness show up in your life? 
How are you creating spaces of wellbeing for others? 
What does the future of wellness look like? 


Spotlight: Victoria Fernandez Forero

Victoria Fernandez Forero

Motion Graphic Designer
Mexican, living in New York City

I’m a motion graphic designer who loves sports. One of the things I enjoy the most is to create connections using my strengths to create visually captivating designs. I recently completed a project ’24 Days of Yoga’ where I illustrated 22 people (me included) practicing yoga. These illustrations are on display in a yoga studio in LIC. The connections created were magical!

Wellness has played a significant role in my life, starting from an early age.
My mom encouraged me to engage in physical activities creating the habits of exercise and healthy eating. By being part of a team and community, I have experienced the benefits of social connection and support. Nowadays, I have a better understanding of what my body needs to feel good. I love helping people feel the same. Creating a goal or intention at the beginning of a yoga practice, race or workout is my way to help others to a path of wellness.

One aspect is the emphasis on community and family support. Hispanic communities often prioritize spending time with loved ones and engaging in activities together, which can contribute to overall wellbeing. In addition, the connection with nature and the use of natural resources for wellness can be traced back to indigenous cultures like the Mayans, who had a deep understanding of the environment and its impact on health. I would like to create an impact by continuing learning and observing past cultures, honoring their wisdom, and actively participating in community engagement.

’24 Days of Yoga’ project –
Website –

About Ingrid Baquero: Ingrid envisions an inclusive, joyful world, inspiring her community through the power of well-being.As a Colombian-American, and Queens, New York native it is an honor to serve the people of Queens through yoga, running and mindfulness. She is a dedicated runner, wellness program curator, community leader and dance and music aficionada.Outside, catch Ingrid on the run. She co-leads a 5k community social run within the Astoria/LIC area. All bodies and paces welcomed. Right now, Ingrid is dedicated to her wellness work, passion project: SOL YOGA PROJECT, and volunteer work with Yoga Love Magazine

If you have a story to share or know someone you’d like to celebrate reach out to us for a Latinx in Wellness:






Welcome to Prema Yoga
Yoga is an amazing practice. It builds strength and flexibility. It relieves stress and calms the mind. It can be a powerful tool for recovery – helping manage or even eliminate physical pain. Yoga is a great addition to any workout regime or as a standalone practice. There is yoga for every body, at every stage of life. The practice of yoga can always meet you right where you are. If you are not sure, let us reassure you – yoga is for you!

Our Mission is to bring this amazing practice of yoga to our beloved community, using the highest quality instructors and offering a wide variety of classes to accommodate the diverse needs of our growing community. Through our class offerings, workshops and teacher trainings, we seek to help our students develop not only physical strength and ease, but clarity of mind and a joyous spirit. Additionally, we strive to hold a safe space where people feel free to explore, learn, laugh, and grow.

Our studio is home to our yoga family (Kula). We value our connection with each other. We strive to embrace each member with open arms and open heart. We look forward to welcoming you and expanding our yoga Kula.

FOUNDER: Christine LaMonica
Yoga changed my life. It helps me slow down, breathe and be present. It is still helping me and changing me after 20 years! As your life evolves, the practice evolves with you. Such a gift to have it in my life!

Prema Yoga

17639 Chatsworth Street
Granada Hills, CA 91344
17639 Chatsworth Street
Granada Hills, CA

Meet founder of Prema Yoga, Christine

WHEEL HOUSE San Francisco Logo
WHEEL HOUSE San Francisco Yoga Studio
Escape Velocity

Escape Velocity

Escape Velocity

Review by: Donna Amrita Davidge


A book of Poems by Cate Mcnider
Published by Atmosphere Press 
Release July 18,2023

Some years ago my ex husband and I were in Cate’s small New York City apartment. She had invited us to view her paintings, and her very aged dog sticks in my memory. Cate is someone I have known in passing from the yoga community of New York City. We both have been with the same Iyengar teacher for many years and she is also an Alexander Technique practitioner.

In 2005 I brought her first book of poetry, and initially it was to show my support of artists in the city who do not get the recognition as some of the more “famous ones” do. I can relate, owning a small yoga retreat in Maine since 1997, and also being among the “small businesses or artists of the world.” I cannot say exactly how, but somehow I was led to keeping the book in the yoga studio at Sewall House during our summer season, finding myself opening to a page at the end of yoga class to repeatedly find a most perfect introspection to end the class.

Cates’ new book of poetry is chock full of chronological poems, dating from 2011 to 2022 and she shares “reading progressively through it does give a passage of the deepening of letting go. In general, though, poetry allows any page to be entered as the perfect page, as serendipity often reveals what one needs to hear/read in that moment, as you did for your yoga students.”

When I asked Yoga Love Magazine if I could offer a review, I decided I had better read all of the poems and there are many, 98 in all! The poems range from 3-4 lines to a few pages long. Some I find fabulous as meditations for students at the end of class, like this one on page 80:

To see what  it IS
You have to see what it is not
Then you’re free to live

In this world where so many think their message is so important and so much information is available to us it is refreshing to read the chronicle of this poet’s thoughts through time. Some of the poems are quite abstract while others, like Black is a Feeling on page 66, are wonderful offerings for contemplation, even suggesting subtle instruction for our life journey. 

This book is for yoga teachers to share readings from, as well as spiritual seekers who ask the questions about the mystery of existence living and loving. As writing often is, we wonder if pieces of Cate’s life are here. The title poem Escape Velocity, one of her longer poems I really like (as well as By Interior Design and Captivating Bling, all toward the end of the book) says “the beating not to have happened, the abuse not to have happened.” Whether her story is in her poems (and some are more clearly so) her insights are universal. 

Donna Amrita Davidge has been teaching yoga in NYC since 1985 and at Sewall House summers since 1997. Cate’s work is available for purchase on