By: Abhaijot Kaur
Photo: Federica Dallorso


Bilingual Meditation

The archipelago of the Hawaiian Islands is more than just warm weather, beaches, volcanoes, valleys and Polynesian culture. It is the spirit of love, or Aloha. Before my feet hit the āina (Hawaiian for land) I could feel deep within my heart this was the place I needed to be. I had never been to Hawaii before, and I thought, “Why is this land calling me?” and day by day, the feeling would come through strongly. My partner and I decided to pack our bags and head to Hawaii. 

When I arrived on the āina, I instantly knew why my soul called me here at this time. It is because the islands are set on a foundation of Aloha. My soul must have known I needed to be here as the world was collectively going through a time of massive transition. We all know the word Aloha. On the surface, you may think of Aloha as a salutation as it is a typical greeting in Hawaii, but it is much more than that. Aloha is a philosophy that directs a code of conduct and way of life. The concept came from the need for Hawaiians to live in peace and work together, as Hawaii is very distant from most places on the earth. Coming together in harmony and kindness in all relations be it the land, people or animals was a priority, so the Hawaiians adopted this Aloha spirit. Aloha spirit is uniting rather than divisive, and a code of conduct that is so relevant for humanity right now as it transcends race and differences and embraces togetherness and equality.

  • Akahai: kindness, expressed with tenderness
  • Lōkahi: unity, expressed with harmony
  • Oluolu: agreeable, expressed with pleasantness
  • Haahaa: humility, expressed with modesty
  • Ahonui: patience, expressed with perseverance. 

Aloha creates a unified atmosphere of Love, Peace, and Compassion. It is a simple prescription of how to live a life where your heart is so full, it is overflowing with the ability to influence others around you with the presence of your highest spirit on behalf of all. I am so grateful to be here living Aloha on this sacred, loving archipelago. In return, I embody that spirit of life everywhere I go. 

Here are some of my favorite ways of creating Aloha spirit every day and anywhere:

  • Smile at the people you pass on the street and greet them with a hello. A smile is an act of kindness.
  • Share something if you have a surplus. Sharing is an act of unity.
  • Need help with something? Ask for it. Sometimes we are terrified to ask for help, but we need to remember we are not alone. Asking for help is an act of humility.
  • Pay a compliment. Compliments are acts of pleasantry.
  • Sit in observation through meditation, or stand in observation when in line running errands. Observation is an act of patience.

The beauty of Aloha spirit is you can take this philosophy with you wherever you are. After all, I think we can all agree that humanity can use more love, or Aloha spirit.

Visit Abhaijot at her eco luxury permaculture farm:




By: iana velez
Photos By: Lani


Bilingual Meditation
To celebrate the release of our print issue themed LOVE, we reached out to our amazing community to share with us a few thoughts on love. This week we celebrate one of our partners, Shay, founder of Shay’s Warriors, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that was formed in the Coachella Valley to help the cancer survivorship community. Shay was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in 2016 and Shay’s Warriors was brought to life in hopes of providing a healthy, inspiring, and safe space for all cancer survivors to thrive and connect. Check out our interview with Shay here and learn more about her work below:

Share with us what you love about what you do: I am the Visionary and Founder of Shay’s Warriors Life After Cancer, and in this role I wear many hats. But my favorite hat is being able to sit down and listen to survivors. They trust me at some of their most vulnerable times to help lift them up in prayers, love and light. They also trust me to share their stories that help inspire other cancer survivors. It is an absolute honor to do what I do.

Share with us what you have learned about LOVE: It may sound cliche but my ultimate definition of love comes from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 LOVE is patient and kind; it does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with truth. If we sti8ck to this everything can be done in love and if you truly understand this you can speak from a place of love in your heart always with a broader outlook on life itself. Because when you have love in your heart and soul there is no room for hate. 

What inspired you to support Yoga Love Magazine? I like to support people’s dreams, especially Women & Latino Owned small businesses. We should support each other to learn, share and connect with our world through stories, photos and so much more.

Learn more: Shay’s Warrior





Looking for something to do this Sept? We are thrilled yoga festivals are back and can’t wait to check out all the amazing events taking place around the world. This September the Yoga Love Magazine team is heading west to Bhakti Fest taking place in Joshua Tree, CA who we are thrilled to partner with! You will be able to get complimentary copies of our magazine at this festival!

There is an amazing lineup of presenters at Bhakti Fest, including world renowned teacher Kia Miller. Kia describes herself as: “The creator of Radiant Body Yoga, a lifestyle brand, focused on sharing ancient yogic philosophy, and practices to those interested in self-inquiry, personal growth, the establishment of presence, and an ongoing commitment to expose and experience a deeper truth. I am known as a teacher who shares Kundalini Yoga in an accessible way. I blend modern vinyasa flow as a warm-up with Kundalini Yoga, giving a great all-around experience. I teach all over the world at conferences, festivals, retreat centers, online at @yogaglo, and on RBY Academy.”

To celebrate the theme of our current issue LOVE, we asked Kia to share a few thoughts on yoga, life and love.

How has your personal practice changed over the years? 
My personal practice keeps deepening. It is an ongoing adventure that started with getting strong and flexible in my physical body through ashtanga, then activated in my energy through Kundalini and now in a process of refinement through pranayama and meditation. It is the most rewarding journey of my life. I am so grateful every day as I sit down to practice… 

If you did not teach yoga, what do you think you would do for a living? 
I’m not sure I would make a living at it haha…but I would like to devote my life to classical Indian singing!

What makes teaching at yoga festivals special? 
The vibe, the community, the interactions with other teachers and practitioners, the creativity and fun! What I particularly love about Bhakti Fest is the theme of LOVE and DEVOTION and the talented kirtan artists who open the space for heart opening and deep healing through sound. 

Share with us someone who has made an impact on your life and inspires you? 
My sister, Rowan, for her unconditional love and support.

The theme of our issue is LOVE, what have you learned about love?
Love is within the very fabric of our existence. It is the source code of life. It is the force of creation. I have learned that when I feel separate from life and love I suffer. When I allow love to guide there is flow.

Come meet us at Bhakti Fest this Sept! Yoga Love Magazine readers can use the code yogalove when they check out for a 10% discount on ticket purchases