Sept. 8-10, Teton Valley, ID

What inspired you to create a festival?
It all started with the desire to create something meaningful and to make an impact both locally and globally. We knew to be successful, we had to have an open heart and open mind, allowing things to unfold organically. So we set our intentions and trusted that we would be guided to create an experience that was more magical than we could have ever imagined.
What makes your festival unique?
We are committed to making a local and global impact.
Local impact: We will be providing education about our local land, ley lines, mountain ranges, wildlife, and the Yellowstone network. We will be honoring our land through ceremony and meditation. We are supporting local farms, raising awareness for their generous efforts to support the health and well-being of our community, and providing education about the importance of organic and biodynamic farming. We will also be raising money for the next generation, by supporting Mountain Roots Education, a local nonprofit that focuses on bringing gardens and greenhouses into our local schools, and educating about sustainable living.
Why we’ve partnered with Mountain Roots Education: We feel strongly that we need to focus on the next generation. Mother Earth depends on us more than ever to make change. Children are the future and it’s important that they are connected to the earth, and understand the importance of healthy and sustainable living. Mountain Roots Education has been partnering with schools and the community to enrich lives and build sustainable communities by offering hands-on experiences in gardens, farms and wild places. They focus on school gardens and adult workshops for sustainable living.
Global impact: We plan to bring awareness to the ripple effect and how one person can make a difference in the world. We will be leading intentional healing meditations for our planet and humanity. We will be providing conscious experiences in nature while bringing awareness to the healing benefits that are available through connecting with mother earth. The TYF is an inclusive experience that honors all beings, living creatures, wildlife, nature, and our planet. We will be providing education on the true meaning of yoga, while creating opportunities for deep experiences of union.
We are offering two ticket options:
Leaders of Unity Package $695: The Leaders of Unity Package begins Thursday September 7th at 4pm and ends on Sunday September 10th at 4pm, and includes all main festival offerings mentioned above (classes, workshops, lectures, talks, music and dance), additional yoga classes, a farm to table dinner, access to guest speakers, and a welcome gift bag. A percentage of the proceeds from your ticket will go to support Mountain Roots Education, a local non profit that focuses on bringing gardens and greenhouses into our local schools, and educating the community on sustainable living.
All Access Festival Pass $395: The All Access Festival Class includes all main festival offerings mentioned above (classes, workshops, lectures, talks, music and dance) and begins Friday September 8 at 4pm, and ends on Sunday September 10th at 4pm.
Our valley (Teton Valley, ID) sits between the Grand Teton National Park, Targhee National Forest and the Big Hole Mountains. We are located one mile from the Wyoming border, 30 miles from Jackson Hole, and about 70 miles from Yellowstone National Park.
What offering/presenter or class are you most excited about for this year’s event?
There are so many that I am excited about, and we will be announcing our first round of presenters very soon, so I don’t want to give too much away. But, if I had to choose one offering, it would be the Farm to Table dinner, which is included in the Leaders of Unity Package and will be held the night before the main festival. We have partnered with local farms, and an incredible local chef. We will have live music, and guest speakers.
A few other things to note is that we are working with the local tribe to do an opening and closing ceremony for the festival and we have some wonderful, heart centered, and talented musicians we are excited about. More to come!
Learn More:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tetonyogafestival/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tetonyogafestival/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0jCcZaYUtlD-3nOyblSmhA
Website: https://www.tetonyogafestival.com
Ticket Link: https://www.tetonyogafestival.com/tickets