Spotlight: Joy & Travel

Spotlight: Joy & Travel

Spotlight: Joy & Travel

By: iana velez


J Miles - Music Love Article
For many people, a yoga retreat can be an opportunity to focus on your practice, meet some new friends and travel to a beautiful location. If you’ve ever enjoyed attending a retreat and thought “hey, I’d like to plan a yoga retreat” then read on! We asked some amazing yoga teachers who lead retreats all over the world for some advice on planning retreats and how they find joy!
Ashish Arora

Kelly Kamm

How far in advance do you plan your retreats?
I usually host 3 retreats per year I tend to plan about a year in advance, but I find that most people sign up about 6 months prior. I typically plan everything myself, except the Bali trip which I sometimes do with a partner. You’ve got to be super organized. If you’re not great at planning, you can use a retreat company. It’s way easier, but you’ll make much less money that way. 

Where have you hosted retreats?
I think I’ve been leading retreats to Bali for 9 years, and to Marrakech for about 7 years! I’ve also brought people to Vietnam, and Banff, Canada.

What advice would you give someone planning a retreat for the first time?
Over the years, I’ve realized how important it is to create solo time and space for yourself during the trip. Yes, you’re there to guide folks and to give them the best experience that you can, but you can’t do that if you’re depleted. I’ve seen people who lead these kinds of trips and never give themselves a break, and by the end they get sick! Make sure you have your own room, and if you need to disappear for a couple of hours to recharge, that is totally OK.

What is your favorite memory from a retreat you hosted?
One moment that made me cry happy tears was when the first friend I ever made in Bali came and picked up my son and took him to her village for the day. He picked fresh guavas, went fishing, rode ATVs through the jungle and flew kites in the rice paddies. It was such a special experience for him, and I was so grateful for the friendships I’ve made in my travels.

Dream location for retreat?
I have so many dream trips that are half planned! I really want to bring people to the more remote and wild islands of Scotland.

The theme of our issue is JOY, can you share with us how retreats/travel helps you or others connect and create JOY in their lives?
I see joy and awe as deeply connected, and in my experience there is nothing more awe-inspiring than traveling to a wondrous, beautiful and far away place. It makes you more tolerant, less focused on stuff and more delighted by experiences, especially when those experiences are shared with a group of great people. I have seen so many deep and long-lasting friendships formed on my retreats!

Has anything changed the way you plan a retreat post-covid?
Covid changed me in that it made me much more interested in what it means to travel ethically. During the pandemic, I saw people taking groups of Americans to places with limited medical care, and it really made me take a hard look at travel in general and how to do it in a way that benefits the people you visit just as much as the retreaters that you bring on vacation.

Ashish Arora

Victoria Greene

How many retreats do you host per year?
Last year I hosted retreats to Iceland, Peru, Ithaka (Greece) and Sicily. In the US, I host weekend retreats in Pennsylvania (at the Himalayan Institute).

Any advice to someone planning a retreat for the first time?
Always remember that people are not only trusting you with their money, but also with their time…they could choose to go anywhere with their vacation time, and they are choosing to come somewhere with you. Hold this close to your heart and realize the great responsibility that you carry. I never take that for granted.

What is your favorite retreat memory?
Seeing hundreds of Icelandic horses galloping across the most beautiful landscape imaginable was incredible. Experiencing a true ‘Pachamama’ moment of an earthquake at the beginning of one of our yoga classes in Peru! Seeing how the heaviest rainfall in over 8 years, brought out the most beautiful wildflowers all over the tiny island of Pantelleria in Sicily overnight. Waking up to that was magical.

Dream location for a retreat?
I tend to obsess about a place before diving into the reality of leading or running a retreat and for me, at the moment New Zealand is calling.

How do retreats help us connect and create JOY in our lives?
After the first day or two on retreat, when everyone is settled and feels comfortable. I have quite literally seen the softening of people’s expressions. It’s hard to explain, but it looks like a gentleness comes over them, they are quick to smile and to laugh. Joy becomes more than a buzzword or some elusive quality of experience. It becomes a reality. There is such wonder in being in a new place to me, with a new vista, to feel the air and the land as new. At some point wherever I go, I will kick off my shoes and just lie down on the earth—just for a moment. That brings me joy. Here I am in a place that perhaps I only dreamed about, and it reminds me to be grateful for all the people in my life that have helped me get to that place.

Any resources you recommend?
There are some responsible retreat companies out there, who care about the impact that their business has on the environment and support local economies and conservation efforts. I love to introduce yoga practitioners to the Himalayan Institute in PA, for any of their faculty-led weekend retreats and study weekends, and internationally to a B-Corp retreat company that I am so honored to be a member of the team for

Ashish Arora

Sarah Platt-Finger

Where have you hosted retreats?
I host about 2 retreats a year and planning is minimum of 9 months, but 1 year in advance is best. Locations have included Mexico, India, Bali, Hawaii, Costa Rica, Sweden, Greece, Florida Keys, and NY. My dream location to host a retreat is the bush and the vineyards of South Africa.

Do you plan with a partner?
I offer retreats with my partner or with a colleague. I’ve also taught in several retreats led by Chopra or through my studio, ISHTA Yoga.

Any advice to someone planning a retreat for the first time?
Be sure that the retreat location is vetted to host yoga retreats! There are many specific details required for a location to host a yoga retreat, including the yoga space, noise levels, food options, and the overall vibration of the space. Hosting a yoga retreat is very different from vacationing at an all-inclusive resort! So it’s important to either visit the location ahead of time, or speak to a fellow yogi who has taught there before.

What is your favorite memory from a retreat you hosted?
Teaching with a live musical accompaniment overlooking the Aegean Sea during sunset. Absolutely divine!

How do retreats help us connect and create JOY in our lives?
I have always loved going outside of my element and traveling to new places. Sometimes all it takes is leaving our normal everyday routine to spark the seeds of joy that are latent within us. Then add the powerful practices of yoga, meditation, and the company of like-minded individuals in the beauty of nature; it is hard NOT to experience joy!

We have all probably had those kinds of holidays where we feel like we need a vacation just to recover from the vacation. Retreats are an opportunity to not only experience adventure, see new landscapes, and deepen your yoga practice, they are also an opportunity to deeply rest. Everyone is deserving of joy, and everyone deserves to experience at least one yoga retreat in their lifetime (hopefully many more than that!).

Artist Spotlight: Emma Schmid

Artist Spotlight: Emma Schmid

Artist Spotlight: Emma Schmid

By: iana velez


J Miles - Music Love Article

Barcelona native Emma Schmid’s beautiful artwork graces the cover of our JOY issue. We asked her to share a bit about her creative process, inspiration and a few thoughts on JOY. Check out her beautiful Instagram account @emma.schmid.illustration. 

Share with us what you love about what you do?
I love to translate thoughts, ideas and messages into images. Adding meaning, highlighting and emphasizing. Communicating with drawings and color is so powerful, leading to feelings, moods, happiness, worries, and joy. I am especially interested in illustrating everyday people and routines that we all can identify with. Illustration also lets me navigate new adventures. Every new work feels like an opportunity to dive within different experiences, knowledge, and results. It is very enriching.

What advice would you give someone interested in becoming an artist?
Perseverance is key, confidence in yourself, no matter what seems to be the fashion…your own voice is always interesting when it is consistent it will have many opportunities. Of course, it is important to be active, showing up on social media, promoting constantly with new work or personal work that may pique art directors’ or clients’ attention.

Do you have formal art training?
I graduated from a school of arts in Barcelona studying, where I am originally from. I had an illustration career working freelance with my own work and studio from 2000 until now, working mostly with publishing, advertising, studios, products, toys, etc. For many years, I was focused on children’s illustration, but now my work has shifted to more illustration in editorial and advertising.

Share with us artists or creators who inspire your work
Some artists I love:

Gosia Herba




Severine Assous

Ezra W Smith


Maite Franchi


Camille le Cussac


Melissa Castrillon

Veronica Grech

Anna Hurley

Susanna Harrison

Sanni Wessman

And many, many others!

Do you have a personal yoga, meditation or journaling practice? If so, does it influence your creative process?
I have practiced yoga for some years and it has always fascinated me in the wellness sense, and in the beauty of the practice too—the simplicity, austerity, the silence, the connection.

I’ve recently been quite obsessed with the interaction of two themes of yoga and floral images. I have worked on an extensive series of images approaching that—yoga practice balanced with huge flower designs in a beautiful harmony.

Where do you find the inspiration for your artwork? How do you stay inspired?
I find inspiration everywhere around me. Mostly in urban scenes, cities, on the streets, parks, fashion, culture, clothes, tradition and very especially in people. I enjoy highlighting people, characters, routines, gestures and styles. I love to catch diversity in all ways. I am constantly seeking inspiration beyond my own curiosity. Culture, media, other illustrators work and all art expression is also very inspiring to me.

Share with us your creative process. 
When a work commission comes, the process starts with approaching the main idea to communicate, looking for information and inspiration and playing first with lines, sketching with pencil on A4 paper and Procreate software. Hand drawing, both pencils, analogue and digital are very enjoyable to me, from the freshness and free style of first rough drafts to cleaning and clearing them. Then color is usually done in Photoshop, final art as well.

Color is a different creation process, more complicated and deep, where I usually follow a natural intuition for each commission’s needs. It comes pretty easy when it’s about a single image, but very complex when talking about a book, or a set, where a balanced and rich palette is essential.

On your website you say, “Color plays an important part, it completely defines my work.” Can you share more about that?
I love color. Bold color. Color that shakes is an invitation to feelings, emotions, sensations…color touches with its power of communication. I feel comfortable with color, it definitely plays an important part of my voice and work.

The theme of this issue is JOY, can you share with us what/who you think of when you hear the word JOY?
I love to hear how my work talks about joy and spreads joy, and this is definitely the best compliment and reward I can have. It makes me so happy and fulfilled with the work I do.

Ashish Arora
Ashish Arora
Ashish Arora
Ashish Arora
SPOTLIGHT:  Karma Kids Yoga

SPOTLIGHT: Karma Kids Yoga

SPOTLIGHT: Karma Kids Yoga


Our Joy issue is launching soon, and here is a sneak peek at Tashya Knight’s article profiling some amazing kids yoga teachers in our community. Learn more about Shari Vilchez-Blatt one of the many teachers profiled below who is the founder of Karma Kids Yoga and also in our JOY issue available at partner studios in June. Interested in learning how more about teaching kids yoga? Join Shari’s upcoming kids YTT starting Friday, May 17th- Sunday, May 19th at Balance Arts Center, located at 151 West 30th Street in NYC! REGISTER NOW!

What is different about teaching yoga to kids vs teaching yoga to adults? Is it different?
There are so many differences in kids versus adult yoga! Could you imagine if all of a sudden, in your adult yoga class, someone left their mat and started running in a circle around the room?! Or if you’re in the middle of teaching a pose/flow and someone says, “Did you know that my brother has a bicycle and I saw a frog and I love unicorns and cold pillows?” It’s the energy mostly that differs, but also expectations of behavior. I would never want my child students to behave like adults….too weird. They need to talk, share, connect, ask questions, share some more…show you a trick or two (“look what I can do” can often be heard in a children’s yoga class, but what they show you may or may not be yoga—either way, it’s a gift to the room, so I make space for it. Kids classes are loud, playful, silly, quiet, might involve singing, dancing, jumping, include non-traditional yoga props (from balls to crafts to stuffed animals and pom moms).

What inspired you to teach kids yoga? 
I don’t know how else to explain that my random path of events led me to teach yoga to children. I was an ad exec, very successful, but not passionate as I once had been. I was laid off one summer, decided to just chill out and not look for another job. I got back into my own yoga practice with all the free time, and was able to see my nieces and nephews more over the summer, too. When I did yoga around them, they would copy me. I didn’t know if that was OK, so I did some research and found that of course it was great for kids and that there was a training coming up in my area that summer. I had NOTHING going on. I love to learn, so I took it. It changed me. I took another one. And another…learning more and more. I loved it and just wanted to share with as many children as possible. Two months later I opened up my first studio in NYC dedicated just to kids and families!

What pose do kids enjoy the most?
I don’t think there is just one pose that kids love the most…it really depends on the child (it’s a great icebreaker to ask this at the start of the kids class. My name is Shari and my favorite yoga pose is….and we all do the pose!). And favorites change as our bodies change, we get stronger and more confident. It’s typically one that they feel strong or calm in. If it’s a challenging pose that they can do, kids will likely choose that so that they can show it off. Better than saying a popular pose that they like, I will say they LOVE to invent poses! Give a child 30-60 seconds to come up with a never-before-seen pose and name it! Or pair kids up to invent a partner pose. Or 3+ kids to invent group poses.

Share one of your favorite memories/moments you’ve experienced teaching kids yoga?
There are way too many magical moments from over 20 years…and thousands of kids….From celebrity parents jumping into your yoga adventure with as much enthusiasm as a child (thank you, Jane Krakowski for being the most fun momma)…to my husband farting loudly off camera during live Instagram classes (yes and everyone heard it, and I had to address it)….to Sesame Street Workshop taking over my studio to film “yoga school”…so instead of noting just one, I’ll note that any time a child surprises themselves with their own strength and ability, the looks on their faces are everything!

How do you bring joy to teaching kids yoga? How does teaching kids yoga bring you joy?
I bring joy to my classes by being accepting, kind, compassionate, friendly and honest. And of course, a bit of silly doesn’t hurt. Or a lot. I include laughter, wonder, and always invite them to be who they are, to listen to their bodies (versus me), and make sure everyone feels heard. I build community and make connections (friendships) within each class, allowing kids to experience other kids by mixing up partnerships, playing games, having challenges and tasks, all while having so much fun! It’s the energy I bring to the class.

Nearly every day that I teach, I have a funny or sweet story to take home. But even better than that, when a child finally gets a challenging pose that they’ve been working on (they usually surprise themselves), it’s the best feeling to witness their excitement, their confidence and their glow! It’s a celebration for all!






Ground and Center started as an idea born from two educators who wanted to do their part to help fill gaps in our education and healthcare system. We currently live in a world where anxiety, depression, and social/emotional learning needs are on the rise. The demands on children and their grown ups’ time/energy are ever increasing in the fast paced society we find ourselves in. With this increase comes a need for space for more active practices such as mindfulness, movement and embodiment strategies to help folks cope with the business of life. We’ve also seen how these widening gaps affect young people in real time.

Christy, having a son with Autism and ADHD has lived the frustration of booking appointments where waiting lists can be up to a year or more out. Therefore, leaving her and her child without the help they seek. Margot, having been working with a wide range of ages both inside and outside of the classroom has seen the challenges that come up when needs aren’t addressed and how they grow bigger as kids get older.

Both Margot and Christy are surrounded by youngsters and their grownups who can use a sense of community with a goal of building resilience and coping skills for life. We all have a role to play, and Christy and Margot have found their role here at G&C. Our story does not include being a replacement for therapy or other means of mental or physical healthcare, but rather a stepping stone, an interim or an “in addition to”. Together, the G&C family is one where we break chains, build community, and provide the next generation with a world surrounded by grace, reflection, and joy.


94 W. Main St.
Suite 203
Bay Shore, NY 11706
94 W. Main St.
Suite 203
Bay Shore, NY 11706

(631) 647-0745

Llamaste yoga
SUI Yoga studio
SUI Yoga studio
SUI Yoga studio





At Nearme Yoga, we aim for Consistency and Community. We pride ourselves on outstanding teachers, and a wide offering of classes and services. Our goal is to make sure you feel better than when you came in. Our intentions are pure, our passion overflows and our brand allows yoga to sell itself. We are in competition with no one but ourselves to make sure we are constantly progressing.

We bring a sense of union to every member. Each client walks away feeling connected to the community and with a sense of overall well-being. Our yoga classes will make our clients day-to-day activities easier by reducing fatigue and the effects of stress while increasing overall strength and flexibility. We ensure you will always leave the studio feeling better than when you walked in. Nearme Yoga is on its way to being an all-inclusive wellness center with Services offered such as – Massage, Reiki, Chiropractic Care, Essential Oils, Angel card Readings, Kids Yoga, Teacher training, and of course many styles of yoga.
Nearme Yoga offers a state of the art studio featuring contemporary colors to soothe and energize, sometimes with a warm towel for after class, tea and plenty of parking. We supply blankets, yoga straps, chairs, and blocks and also have mats available. Stop by early to check out the Boutique for exclusive collaborations, yoga accessories, performance apparel, and must-have essentials.

We bring a small town atmosphere on the journey of discovering your true self. Our goal is to help you find both physical and mental ease.

Chelsea Manganaro (500 YTT) is the owner and Founder of Nearme Yoga, InfinitYOGA Teacher Training, NEPA Yoga festival and Nearme Cafe.

Nearme Yoga

700 Main Street, Moosic PA

Nearme Yoga

110 Terrance Drive, Peckville PA
700 Main Street
Moosic PA


110 Terrance Drive
Peckville PA

Liberation Yoga
Liberation Yoga