An App for Yoga Teachers
Yoga Moxi is a yoga app designed (mostly) for newer yoga teachers who have recently completed their first Teacher Training and are ready to teach.
After a teacher completes their first 200 hours of training, (RYT 200 = Registered Yoga Teacher 200 hours), they may be nervous, or not have total confidence in how to apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills. Yoga Moxi provides tips, reminders, guidance, and instruction to help build confidence as they start their teaching journey.
The app contains content ranging from “Themes for Class” to advice (as consideration) on “Yoga Business”. All categories of content are arranged in a similar order to how a class may be “crafted” from start to finish. Within each category will be short snippets of reminders, or tips yoga teachers can refer to quickly – all at their finger-tips.y, inspiring, and safe space for all cancer survivors to thrive and connect.
Meet Michele, founder of a new FREE app now available!
Spotlight: YOGA MOXI

Did you know Yoga Love magazine is available for free at partner studios and festivals thanks to our amazing community and other small business owners like Michele Carrión Yopps founder of the Yoga Moxi app! We asked Michele to share more about starting a small business, her personal yoga/meditation practice and some thoughts on JOY.
What inspired you to start your own business?
The Yoga Moxi app was created based on how I felt when I was a newer yoga teacher ten years ago. There was so much information, knowledge and skills acquired, and an app that provided more of a “road map” on how to use and apply the information would have been immensely helpful.
What is the most popular feature on your app?
Currently, yoga teachers have provided the most feedback on the “Timers”. There are three different Timers that help keep a practice on track to not go over/under the specified class time. The Hatha Timer allows a yoga teacher to set up a class time, and also allows to set up smaller segments within a class. (i.e. Opening = 2 minutes, Centering = 5 minutes, Warm Up = 8 minutes, etc.) The Yin Timer is specific to a Yin Yoga class setup including class time, number of poses, and how much time to spend on each side. The Yoga Nidra Timer can be set up for any amount of time for your practice. The intention is to keep yoga teachers on time – with a Timer created for their specific needs.
What is the best advice someone gave you when you started your business?
The best advice came after the Yoga Moxi app was created…be sure to have solid legal agreements and get app insurance. Both are for more peace-of-mind, and to minimize potential financial loss.
What is the best advice you would give another person who wanted to start their own small business?
Be sure to have solid legal agreements and insurance (according to the designated business industry). Do not rely on generic anything from the internet. This applies to any business.
Do you have a personal yoga/meditation practice? How has it helped you?
For the past few years, I have focused on a morning meditation before starting the day. It allows me to connect with my breathing and focus on myself fully for a few minutes. My yoga practice has changed over the years, and currently I work on an at-home practice two times per week. (For about 20 minutes) The practice is more of a “freestyle” where I center prior to start, and allow the body to dictate how to move.
Share your favorite yoga/wellness social media/web accounts that inspire you?
The majority of accounts that provide inspiration involve positive “quotes” from famous and not-so-famous people. I also enjoy the Yoga Love Magazine account and all the reels regarding “Joy”. There are so many iterations, and the majority really do inspire joy and a smile. (Thank You!)
The theme of our current issue is JOY, how do you inspire joy in your life and those around you?
Hopefully I provide some joy to those around me by smiling when I greet them or interact with them. For my friends and family, the hope is to inspire joy by holding space when needed, and sharing something that makes them truly smile or laugh – like a good experience we shared.