September 14-15, 2024
Middlefield, CT

Special thanks for this code for our Yoga Love community: 10% off code is GETLIFTED (apply this at check-out)
What inspired you to create a festival?
I love my home state of Connecticut and wanted to create an event where we all gather for a weekend and we can create a sense of community with one another while having the ability to meet local teachers as well as try different classes we may have not known existed right in our backyard!
What makes your festival unique?
This festival is unique because it blends yoga and movement classes with wellness modalities as well as forms of spirituality. It is the first festival that really encapsulates a well rounded healing and transformational experience. There is truly something for everyone here, even if you are not into yoga or movement based classes.
What offering/presenter or class are you most excited about for this year’s event?
I am so excited for every presenter, it’s so hard to choose! Just to highlight a few of our AMAZING offerings at Transcend Fest would be Kundalini yoga, Tantra, Shamanic healing, puppy yoga, and herbalism. There are 90 offerings throughout the weekend, you will have to check out the website to see the full line-up!