Founder PLAY Yoga


As we prepare for our June release of our print issue themed LOVE, we reached out to our amazing community to share with us a few thoughts on love. Terri Speck and Ed Mullen MD,founded PLAY (Peace Love and Yoga) based on a combined 70+ years working in hospitals they looked to make the shift from “delivering “ healthcare, to partnering with friends and neighbors on a passage to wellness. We asked Terri to share a bit more about love in this week’s LOVE spotlight.

Please share with us what you love about what you do: 
There’s so many things I love about what I do! I love creating someplace special for our wonderful yoga community to gather.I am excited about offering all different styles and flavors of yoga and interesting workshops and talks. I love to teach and feel the comfort of my home community. PLaY is often getting visitors as we’re in a resort area, but we also have a steady group that feels like home. It’s the most creative thing I do!

Share with us what you have learned about LOVE:
I’ve learned that there isn’t anything else besides love that really matters in this whole universe. I’ve learned that the opposite of love isn’t hate, but fear. I’ve learned that the capacity for love is infinite and that there’s always enough love to go around.

What inspired you to support Yoga Love Magazine?
I was inspired to support Yoga Love Magazine because from the onset I could tell that the voice of the magazine was a little bit different that any other yoga magazine I had read. Iana’s emphasis and values were aligned with ours! Diversity, inclusion and a genuine love of yoga. In our studio, our small retail space is dedicated to female owned business, so that was a huge draw for us as well!