By iana velez and ingrid baquero


Welcome to our series celebrating the Latinx healers, creators and wellness advocates making an impact in our communities. Wellness is multi-dimensional, as it consists beyond the physical, but also mental, spiritual, financial, environmental, and social aspects of our lives.

It is important to share the stories of Latinx individuals beyond Hispanic Heritage Month, as it inspires others to create their own narratives. This series consists of real stories of inspirational Latinx individuals creating safe spaces for connection, community, and self-care through the power of wellness. This week we celebrate Maga Villarreal, founder of Antevasin, a bilingual space dedicated to exploring life through creative and transformational tools. Antevasin hosts impactful wellbeing events and retreats around the globe, fostering a sense of community and personal growth.

Maga Villarreal

What is unique about being Latina in the wellness space?
One of the most unique aspects of being Latina in the wellness space is the sense of reflection and belonging that other Latinas often find in you. We share a deep connection with our roots, creating a space where our shared heritage brings us together, even when we’re far from home. I find this connection fosters a powerful sense of community and cultural resonance that enriches our wellness journey

What inspired you to start your own business?
I started my own business because I noticed a significant lack of representation in the wellness space. Community is everything to me, but in most classes and spaces I participated in, people were just in and out, with no real sense of togetherness, connection, or sharing. The absence of community was glaring, and that’s why I created Antevasin—to cultivate a space where genuine connection and a sense of belonging are at the heart of the wellness experience.

What is the best advice someone gave you when you started your business?
Try in Public” is a concept I’ve embraced, inspired by the beautiful advice from another community builder and creative, Lexi Merritt. It’s about letting the world see your process of building something. By trying in public, you not only overcome perfectionism, but you also gain a sense of freedom. It allows your community to find you, connecting with whatever you’re creating because they feel they’re right there with you, witnessing your journey and growth.

What is the best advice you would give another person who wanted to start their own small business?
An advice I would give to someone starting their business is this: You have what it takes—it’s as simple as that. If you believe in yourself, you can achieve it. Every person has the potential to turn their dreams into reality and bring their ideas to life. Trust in your abilities and keep pushing forward.

Do you have a personal yoga/meditation practice? How has it helped you?I maintain a personal yoga and meditation practice, and I also teach both because I’ve experienced firsthand how powerful they can be. These practices are essential tools for me to deepen self-awareness, stay grounded, and self-regulate when needed.

Share your favorite yoga/wellness social media/web accounts that inspire you?
Three Jewels NYC: my meditation and dharma sanctuary (also they’re IG is hilarious)
Nike Well Collective: one of the communities I’m part of, I love to see everyone sharing bits of wellbeing
Seres Magneticos: a social media account and podcast with lots of resources for wellbeing and personal growth

What does the future of wellness look like? 
For me, the future of wellness is more inclusive, accessible, and approachable, with community as the foundation. Everything else becomes a byproduct of the collective work and support within that community.

The theme of our current issue is JOY, how do you inspire joy in your life and those around you?

When I see the word Joy I immediately think about River, my dog. Having her and bringing her everywhere naturally brings joy to those around me. But beyond that, I believe that being completely authentic in how you show up to the world is key to feeling joyful. When you embrace your true self, that joy becomes contagious.